Hawken Acupuncture
Where Science Meets Tradition
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Category: Environmentalism

The Importance of Fiber

​Fiber: it’s something many of us don’t think about, but we do our health a disservice if we are not paying attention to this important aspect of our food. The recommended intake of fiber for adult women is 25 grams per day, for adult men it’s 35 grams per day. Most Americans are only getting a small percentage of this amount in their daily diet. Fiber is especially important in the health of the colon itself, potentially helping to...

This is Freaking Delicious

Last week I was talking with a patient and we agreed that cookbook preference is very individual. We really have to find the ones that speak to us, the ones that are written in language that appeals to us, the ones that have recipes we enjoy eating, of course, but also ones that we have the time and skills to cook. Recently I’ve been relying on search engines to bring me new, good recipes. I’ll do a quick...

Yes, I’m an environmentalist!

I recently visited Bali, Indonesia, and guess what – there was an acupuncturist in one of the small towns I visited! One of the main concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine is that every small part is an integral part of its larger environment. This is reflected in the way we can use acupuncture on one part of the body to treat another part, or how we as humans affect and are affected by our ecosystem. Bali was gorgeous. I was struck...
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