Hawken Acupuncture
Where Science Meets Tradition
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It’s sunblock time!

  • July 06, 2018
  • Elijah Hawken
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​It is full summer here in Dallas, and that means it is time for sunblock! Protecting our skin from the sun is an important part of skin care and cancer prevention, but there are tons of products that use potential carcinogens as their main ingredients, and it doesn’t make sense to use something that might cause cancer to try to prevent cancer.

Those of you who know me know that in addition to doing acupuncture, I really want to help you stay healthy and well, so here are some tips on sunscreen.

When shopping for a safe sunscreen, look for mineral active ingredients: titanium and zinc are a couple.

Because I can spend hours sweating on a summer bike ride, a sport sunblock is my preference. Basically what this means is when you are sweating hard enough that sweat is running into your eyes, this sunblock won’t burn.

My new favorite sunscreen is Badger Sport. Here is a link to their website for information: https://www.badgerbalm.com/s-29-about-badger-organic-sunscreen.aspx (I don’t get paid for this, I just really like their product, and like to help other people find good, safe products).

It goes on really smoothly and covers well, unlike some of the other natural sunscreen products.

For more info on safety in skin products and cosmetics, visit the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep website here: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/

This is a great site that relies on your donations to provide you with clear information on cosmetic and skin product safety. Right now they are offering a free sun sampler box for any donation over $60 - if you get it and try them out, comment below and let me know YOUR favorite SAFE sun screen (nope, I don’t get paid for that either - just love their work)!